
longwinded and dull. read at your own risk.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

it's been awhile, but i haven't just been sitting on my rump!...well, sorta i quads and my butt are considerably smaller. it took me three days of exercising in hk before i figured out that the speeds and stuff are done in kilometers. i thought i was SO BOOKING IT when i had the rate at 12 (which would translate into a 5 min mile...but because its in km, it's only 8 min). and then in london, i wasn't doing much at's hard to exercise when you want to explore instead. the weather here is very nice for running and windy. went for a couple of 30 mins earlier, but this weekend, decided to go all out and see how far it'd take me. ran the thames path till tower bridge. 30 min out 30 min back (roughly). stopped a little bit in the middle cuz my left knee started hurting. very good run overall...tired around 15 min (stomach cramps), but rediscovered the meaning of the words second wind. basically felt like sprinting the rest (and i did for stretches of it). it's hard to run the thames path, cuz even though its flat, it's all cobblestone roads with stretches of one way. pretty bad on joints...and no softer surfaces (like sidewalk grass). i don't think i'd run it without my glasses. this morning, woke up at 6 and ran a sub 24 5k. then did a little physioball and 25 tricep thingies...i'm determined to have toned idea why. ran out of time before i could do much else...but i found myself whistling on the way to work. exercising makes me feel great!


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