popped my shoulder out of socket in bangkok...didn't get the d...didn't even look glorious...just old and gimpy. it happened two weeks ago, but not sore until this week...maybe i should start doing the prehab stuff from core perf.
i've got a pseudo regular schedule now: something sat (hiking, elliptical+boxing, longish run--and by that i mean like 4 or 5 miles, i know, i suck), disc sunday (unless fields are unavailable), rest monday, spin tuesday, run/disc wednesday (i might get more out of the run than the disc--sad), run thurs (depending on how i feel and whether i ran wed) (wed/thurs runs are 5k, try to ramp up on the speed), yoga friday. xtina astutely pointed out that i have no speed work or strength work...just kinda maintenance...yeah, i know, but i'd like to think that spinning is pseudo speed/strength...except that i'm not doing it on my feet, which i guess means it doesn't count. well, who needs speed/strength anyways? ha!
paulie wants to start a treadmill competition with me...we haven't worked out over what we're competing...is it distance? speed? this might disrupt my schedule considerable, but never say no to competition...plus, comfort is bad in a workout, right?
yoga today: so so streeetch...so so eaase...so so breaaathe...exhaLAAtion.
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