
longwinded and dull. read at your own risk.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

popped my shoulder out of socket in bangkok...didn't get the d...didn't even look glorious...just old and gimpy. it happened two weeks ago, but not sore until this week...maybe i should start doing the prehab stuff from core perf.

i've got a pseudo regular schedule now: something sat (hiking, elliptical+boxing, longish run--and by that i mean like 4 or 5 miles, i know, i suck), disc sunday (unless fields are unavailable), rest monday, spin tuesday, run/disc wednesday (i might get more out of the run than the disc--sad), run thurs (depending on how i feel and whether i ran wed) (wed/thurs runs are 5k, try to ramp up on the speed), yoga friday. xtina astutely pointed out that i have no speed work or strength work...just kinda maintenance...yeah, i know, but i'd like to think that spinning is pseudo speed/strength...except that i'm not doing it on my feet, which i guess means it doesn't count. well, who needs speed/strength anyways? ha!

paulie wants to start a treadmill competition with me...we haven't worked out over what we're it distance? speed? this might disrupt my schedule considerable, but never say no to, comfort is bad in a workout, right?

yoga today: so so so so breaaathe...exhaLAAtion.


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